As I have been so busy writing on my blog to the home front on the adventures of the Dutch team, their hang-waiting and flying activities, the results and rest day group outings and not to forget my silly finger accident (which according to the overall results number one pilot in the competition was the wrong finger…) I all forgot to write about this number one pilot!
So, I’m going to do a special on him today! Yes, this entry will all be about Gerolf (and not about ME). The reason for this is his so justified piece on the Oz Report on us freaking bloggers, that I only noticed after checking the official (sorry Davis). As I was looking for how the Brittish, Ozzies, Germans and Slovenian pilots where doing and what gossip is going on here in Ager. Because isn’t that what blogs are all about: a keeping up to date of the activities of the bloggers’ petty lives?
I do my best to film (and thus video blog) Gerolfs comments during the briefing and the handing out of the day price (but then that might start to bore after a couple of times) and his unofficial conversations with the officials.
Now the problem is that I don’t see a lot of Gerolf these days (pics where taken in 2005 in Croatia). On launch he is busy doing task advisory stuff. He takes off early and usually has left goal by the time my team members have reached it, I’m afraid. To get the results I still have to rely on the list posted after 22 hrs, like everybody else, or read the mailed copy. So what can I add, next to the official site and their very nice blog?
So I have the perfect solution: Gerolf, go blog yourself ;-). Do as all the other reporters, writers and part-time poets and write all about yourself so you can check at any time what you’ve been up to. And it can be all about YOU, YOU and YOU. And I’ll just love to read all about it how it’s going to end with the mighty Austrians and any future adventures that you're going to be up to.
The song is especially for YOU, just exchange the word ‘song’ for ‘blog’ ;-)
In 1991 begin ik met delta-vliegen na een kennismakings-weekend op de Maasvlakte bij Deltavliegschool Phoenix. In 1992 haal ik mijn brevet 2; in 2002 brevet 3 en mijn sleepaantekening. Sinds 2003 neem ik deel aan wedstrijden en maak ik deel uit van het Nederlandse kernteam.
Voor het vliegseizoen van 2009 ben ik gevraagd als coach van de kernploeg. In 2011 is de focus gericht op vrij vliegen, dus even geen grote wedstrijden en vliegen waar het weer goed is.
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